Quote of the moment

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

-Wendell Berry: The Peace or the Wild Things

Dec 5, 2008

I’m Tired

I’m tired
Each day is just so long
The ogres hurl rocks from above
Crushing every thought of love
Squelches all sounds of song
It makes one tired.

I try
To ward off this attack
To work for all that is right
To return to things that might
Things that should be back
I try, but I’m tired

I dread
The endless bitter night
Alone haunted by the facts
To wonder about those past acts
Gone, without even a fight
I’m just tired

I wish
It was not this way
I give everything I have: I give
But these demons continue to live
And still, nothing will I say
I am too tired

I try
But the walls all close in
They stifle every gasping breath
Squeeze thoughts with a grip like Death
Sap will to ever start again
They leave me tired

I’m tired
I reach out my hand for help
As I sink in the mire of despairs
Curse the others who have no cares
As the pains make your mind yelp
I’m so tired

I’m tired
Every breath is a helpless grind
Each thought a labor back breaking
A smile is not even worth making
There is nothing left in the mind
I’m tired.

I hurt
I wish I didn’t care
But I can never stop how I feel
Even when treated like a heel
She knows I will be there
I am so very tired

I am
But I can’t help who I am
I’ve tried so hard to understand
Only to get hit by another hand
I just wish someone gave a damn
I’m tired

I’m weary
Feels like my back has broken
I am like an emptied glass
Heart ripped by a gaping slash
I even leave truths unspoken
I’m just too tired

I care
Sometimes more than I can bear
Life is happy to continue only to take
And leave nothing but to ache
Somehow fooled to expect fair
I just had to care

I am so very tired
That life pledged
That fate together dreamed
Too good to be as seemed
And always the bet was hedged
It has left me so tired

I’m tired
I only beat my head against the wall
Cry at night alone in thought
Realize it has all been for naught
No one will answer that nightly call
Still, I’m tired

I stand without help
Without the friend I found
Without the lover I could please
Without the one with whom I was at ease
Without her to whom my life I bound
I am only tired

I stand without hope
Dreams haunted now by the lost
Visions of the truth I fully know
But which by promise I let go
In trusting, in hope, I paid the cost
Paid until I’m tired

I am just fantasy
Lover’s dream is all, I seem
Mistaken to think it was true
That I could ever satisfy you
Though I tried to treat as queen
But I am left tired

Was promised
So many things, so fair
A whole life ahead to share
We could make all that we dare
A rare but truly fated pair
It leaves me tired

I’m tired
I have no more, I gave my all
Not good enough again to win the race
I have no need to try to save face
I can hear the trumpeter’s call
It’s time and I’m tired

I gave
And somehow thought
It all was so right
Thought it just might
Be what you too sought
I gave it all

I took
Or at least it tried
I reached and touched air
The thing I sought wasn’t there
Much of me then died
As I grew tired

I am so very tired
All I want is to rest
Sleep the peaceful sleep
Of lovers in each other’s keep
Arms entwined like a nest
Lift life’s pains

But that it’s said will never be
The chance was just make believe
I am not real, just dreamed
Nothing as to me it seemed
Just some illness to relieve
And leave me tired

I wish to just fade away
In that blissful sleep for which I pray
As restful sleep with dreams restored
With the one who made me feel adored
But yet once more I just have no say
Even rest is robbed away

I am tired
I hurt, but more, I’m tired
Let me just rest, I’m tired
It is for the best, I’m tired
Dead and rotting to the core
I’m tired.

G - October 2008

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