Quote of the moment

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

-Wendell Berry: The Peace or the Wild Things

Dec 28, 2009


Breath so soft, thoughts burn warm
Yet my heart still heavy weighs
As I watch the rise of her breasts
And dread the waking dawn
For are know then returns the norm
When sight is pierced by Sun’s rays
Reality will again end the jests
And dreams of truth will be gone

Show me what exactly have I done
How is it that I committed a crime
I followed the path that was laid
Pursued that route that was my fate
When light returns she will be gone
Continues the punishment of time
For the jester’s part I’ve played
Daring to pass the forbidden gate

For but a bit I lie next to one
I loved long before I met
Time though with her is but
An illusion of the a play
A contest others already won
Only a lost gambler’s bet
Still I wait for the door shut
Wishing vision was still real
In the light of the on rushing day.

G - Dec '09

Poets Life For Me

Yo Ho! Yo Ho! It’s a poet’s life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, take words as our own
Dink up in the works of others
Reap the harvest they have sown
As long as we but make it rhyme

Yo Ho! Yo Ho! It’s a poet’s life for me.
We wrap up sights and feelings
Sum them up in a few words
Paint verbal views of healings
Even show truth some time

Drink up me friends, see what I see
Imbibe thoughts from within my sphere
Devils and demons from depths dark
Dreams of nothings the seem near
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! It’s a poet’s life for me.

Enjoy the visions that might come
Grasp at aromas and sounds you may
They are real! They are real! All!
Even if all truths otherwise say
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! It’s a poet’s life for me.

Yo Ho! Yo Ho! It’s a poet’s life for me.
Reality has not bearing on truth
The words do not have to all be my own
Beliefs do not requite proof
Fact does not defeat what is known
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! It’s a poet’s life for me.
Yo Ho! Yo Ho! It’s a poet’s life for me.

G - Dec '09

What Is A Friend?

As I leave for work alone
Not knowing what the weather
Was during the weekend past
As I exit the door
Accompanied by none
Except the shadow I cast

I wonder
With the voices in my head
Words no one else said
I wonder
What exactly is a friend

Holidays now spent
In imposed solitude
With but a few passing cheers
Quick greetings shared
Of Christmas wishes
Hopes of happy New Years

I wonder
With the voices in my head
Words no one else said
I wonder
What exactly is a friend

Lunch is now done
Spent once more with no one
Much as will be tonight
I guess I asked too much
When I opened my heart
So I’m better out of sight

I wonder
With the voices in my head
Words no one else said
I wonder
What exactly is a friend

I gave my every thought
Tried to heal all scars
Shared my deepest dreams
Stood in front of trains
None of that was wanted
Is what it now seems

I wonder
With the voices in my head
Words no one else said
I wonder
What exactly is a friend

As friend I’m one for whom
There is no end to what
I try to do for friends
And this, I have done
With all my ability
No matter what life sends

I wonder
With the voices in my head
Words no one else said
I wonder
What exactly is a friend

And so I sit alone
Pick a food and wonder how
My truths becomes such lie
Faith in friendship past
Into fantasies of child
Only the pain refuses to die

I wonder
With the voices in my head
Words no one else said
I wonder
What exactly is a friend

G - Dec '09

Dec 21, 2009

Silent Night

Silent Night, Holy Night
All is Calm, All is Bright
Hear the voices as they ring
Happiness and joy the bring
As the Silence strangles thought
For those which are only alone
Living the rewards of choice
Briars it seems all they have sown
The Silence of peace
They cannot share
Silence of aloneness
Beyond ability to bear

Silent Night, Holy Night
Gentle chimes, Say all is right
Round yon table loved ones meet
Join in joys as plans complete
While the Silence is pierced
By the Voices without rest
Very thoughts they consume
All Hopes become their fest
Voice of the angel host
For some always denied
Dreams of that One Day
Once more the world lied

And that Silent Night
Such a Holy Night
Another night to dread
In a night that is dead
Rules by the Voices of none
Hearing those songs, never sung
Seeing that mantel of life
On which the future was hung
But the gift was not returned
It was a lie that it would be fair
In the end, in the end
The night does not care

And the Silent Night, Holy night
All is calm, all is bright
All is well,
As the torture
Stays out of sight.

G - December 2009

Wishes for Christman

My first wish for Christmas is a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My second wish for Christmas is two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My third wish for Christmas is a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My fourth wish for Christmas is four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My fifth wish for Christmas is five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My sixth wish for Christmas is six melons to feed my lost geese, five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My seventh wish for Christmas is seven songs for sharing, six melons to feed my lost geese, is five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My eighth wish for Christmas is eight magic manic cures, seven songs for sharing, six melons to feed my lost geese, five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My ninth wish for Christmas is nine nights of sleep, eight magic manic cures, six melons to feed my lost geese, seven songs for sharing, a three-hour nap, is five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My tenth wish for Christmas is a ten-course meal, nine nights of sleep, eight magic manic cures, seven songs for sharing, six melons to feed my lost geese, five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My eleventh wish for Christmas is eleven transports to get the to those which need it, a ten-course meal, nine nights of sleep, eight magic manic cures, seven songs for sharing, six melons to feed my lost geese, five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My twelfth wish for Christmas is twelve score or more of those I love to share, is eleven transports to get the to those which need it, a ten-course meal, nine nights of sleep, eight magic manic cures, seven songs for sharing, six melons to feed my lost geese, five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

G - Dec 2009

Dec 17, 2009

Family by choice

To my mental sisters
I’ve known only in imaginary homes
In a family related by choice
Visited only when spirit roams

Brothers not of blood
But by binds of thought
You have helped me to survive
Even when that was not sought

Mothers, Fathers, siblings
Rolls you chose to fill
Most important though, Friends
Providing strength to failed will

To you I spread my feeble wings
Towards those if virtually see
And those that from sight have passed
But in my heart will always be

I thank you now
With mere feeble word
For the times my very thoughts
You listened and heard

Thank you. G