Quote of the moment

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

-Wendell Berry: The Peace or the Wild Things

Apr 20, 2009


Crystals form like jeweled life
Grow from the constricting frame
Patterns that blur the view
While binging sight clear

The royal black of a darkless night
Winter’s light bent through the blankets
Snow and clouds that freeze the air
Surreal held at bay by the fragile pane

Lifeless world built on the still
A sea of gentle harshness
Cutting the flesh
Soothing the mind

World on nothingness and silence
Filled with images of a time lost
Of what could and should and was
But held no more reality than shadow

Demon spirits of hope and dream
Dance on the sea of imagined bliss
Passing off fantasy of a destined truth
Spiked by the delusions of spite.

G - April 2009

Apr 2, 2009

cause and effect

Berries ripe have from the cane
Tempting too much to stay away
Risking the certainty thorns rip
For the quenching of the fruit

Back breaks under the load
While sun blisters the skin
Work that seems to never end
But tears down the body old

Drink bites at the throat
Bringing sweat to the brow
Releases inhibitions and cares
Making consumer one with crowd

Which is cause, which is effect
It would seem easy to the eye
But others might look closer
To their mind to question why

Do they drink for sharing
Or is it just to escape
Blind themselves for life
Laugh while they forget
All reality and pain
For a time, for a time.

Does he risk all
To toil in the heat
To enjoy the reward
Or to fall in valor
Rather than rot away
In slow time, marching time

If the fruit worth the pain
Or an excuse for the rip of flesh
As the rip brings blood, pain
Feeling to distract from others
To punish just as others trod
For just a time
Escape, payment
For an instant of time.

G- March, 2009

Apr 1, 2009



Fighting Demons of the mind
Unable to leave the past behind
Declared to be but a nothing
While the world without me can sing

G- March 2009

Forty-nine years

Forty-nine years walking the Earth
Forty-nine years of fighting alone
Hope followed by disappointment
About the only things known

The task of being to lend others
Hoping someday to have a hand reach back
Never seeming to learn it would not change
Trying to give them the support they lack
A common thread to ignore I too have care
Not able to understand life will not be fair

Forty-nine years walking the Earth
Forty-nine years of fighting alone
Hope followed by disappointment
About the only things known

The path presented through the dark
Each dream that form in the night
Falls to my failure or lack of worth
Every step in life turns into mired fight
As darts bite flesh as I inch along
In a world is simply do not belong

Forty-nine years walking the Earth
Forty-nine years of fighting alone
Hope followed by disappointment
About the only things known

Will grows weary and hopes fail cold
As throw my mind rings saying old
You can’t win, you can’t break even
You can’t even quit the game
Trite is sounds, but true it bites
As yet another effort turns the same

Forty-nine years walking the Earth
Forty-nine years of fighting alone
Hope followed by disappointment
About the only things known

G- March 2009