Quote of the moment

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

-Wendell Berry: The Peace or the Wild Things

Mar 29, 2009

Just A Pin Prick

Just a pin prick
No one will know
Just across the surface
No one can tell

Draw the edge slow
Not to go deep
No need to bleed
Someone might notice
If it does more
Than just a seep

Looks like but a scratch
But it fills the need
Draws to the flesh
The sensation of pain

Distraction from other cares
Facts that on the mind wears
As those nerves on the skin
What is one more scar
That no one will see
Only from you to know
That once more there was
Too much to take

Serrated, that is the trick
Those edges cut more
While marking less
Searing like heat to flesh

Maybe a tattoo
Maybe more than one
To feel those pinpoint
Drive the feeling home
While others do not know
It is the pain you seek
Not the image left behind

Just a needle to the palm
That works just as well
And can be done over again
With no one to tell

Just one more scar
To represent one more day
One more survived
One less to stay

Just a little pin prick
No one will know
No one will care
No one to tell.

G- March 2009


Circlet of tarnishes in the metal
Device of destruction
And to bring down game
Stock marred with scratches
The wear of use by one now gone
Beating of treks in wood an field
Corrosion the price of long use
Those little circles of tarnish
Forming a pattern of no meaning it seems
Just rust on a device unkept
While to others, those marks
Might me be the last trace
Of the one that owned that device
Before it was passed forward
To one those marks of the fingers
Mean more that the device
Which others think they mar

A strand of hair
Left in a brush
Different in call than the rest
Lighter and longer
Clearly not of the same source
Standing out from the dark discards
It would make no sense to most
Only a hair left behind
A stray hair left unintended
No longer a care to its owner
To most, it would not even be noticed
But to one, is reminds
That which is lost

Scrap of cloth
Kept for years in his pocket
Often held in hand
In the dark of night and mind
Discolored satin to him,
To others just at scrap
Not even a rag
Little more even than lint
Stained to yellow by time and touch
Folded there beneath bills
Existence unknown by others
Meaning would escape even if seen
Significance only to one
Who kept it to remember
When time seemed more kind

Feathers in a vase
Set upon a shelf
Ratty and torn
Void of apparent use
Marked in mud when discarded
By the innocents that once owned them
Saved for some reason
Held now in a jar
Mined by mites slowly
To skeletons and bare quill
Just as time slowly strips
All memories of good
Erases the past
Leaving only the dark

G- March 2009

Red Wall

Red wall in the wind
For rest, to keep out noise

The child leans against the wall
Casting shadows in the sun

Wood stained to color the world
Define a sanctuary from chaos

Place of safety form the fear
That seems to define life without

Peace within calming, serene
The horrors without not to be seen

That wall of red to keep out wolves
That otherwise would be at the door

A fence of red to keep out harm
Bounce that ball in security

Under sky without gray
Safety, sanctuary the from attack

The illusion that reality can be held back
By a wall of wood colored red

Who is actually being kept safe
The child, or the world

G- March 2009

Mar 23, 2009


Trust is a gift above all things
A sharing of all the future brings
Turning over of soul and mind
Believing you will receive in kind
But requires others to also be true
As you were for them, be there for you
When it fails and leave naught to cling
Trust is a curse that destroys all things

G- March 2009

Mar 6, 2009

Star Of Hope

Point of light in the dark recesses of the mind
Star of hope for one who for so long has been blind
Lead the hopeless out from the endless despair
Back from the brink towards the land of those who care

Eyes asparkle as jewel light in the bleak night
Glimmering specks to lead the beggar weak of sight
Lost soul submerged and descending the steps to hell
Heart lost into nonbeing in a bottomless well

Destiny cast aside without reproach of vows
Promises forever lost with no trace of marouse
Fate left in the wake of a trailing stream of waste
After briefly heavens bliss was allow a taste

Sunlight obscured indefinitely from view
All assurances of future die in the blue
The moon turning its face with embarrassed, disgraced
The chasm of trust in destiny once more misplaced

Weary of the trail of wandering without end
Seeing only insignificant life to extend
Blackness with only that tiny flickering star
The soul crushed again in fires of hell that char

G- November 2008


The world is once more diminished
With the loss of those as should not
While lesser creatures that do harm
Spoil good things other hands wrought

Son of denstiny and bound by word
Brother of faith, defender true
Fought with heart and belief to defend
Fell alone in the morning dew

Eyes of a mother fair and generous
Grieved for her flesh she had raised
Less for lost of protecting her
Valiant not, nor fell to great praise

Past should have taught them well
To serve others first and defend
For those too weak to fight themselves
Of their own choice their blood spend

The thieves of good and life
Not content taking the best in fight
Defile what is good and innocent
Creep and slaughter in the night

Dreams of future and memories past
Taken by cowards, the vermin swine
Right never though once cowered
But fought and pealed warning chime

Still that will fell in that field
Defended while head-on meeting fate
But matter not right or wrong in life
Truth can oft be felled by hate

Together, they will be together
As rightfully is should always be
Arm in arm, in their eternal embrace
Joined in love spirits always free
Even if it only beyond this life
Or in the delusions of fantasy.

G- November 2008

Mar 5, 2009

Flower of the Maiden

Lady with eye pure and the sparks of stars
Silver flowed her gown of silk and gems
Maiden fair of face and pure of heart
At peace in the wood, hidden by steam

A lad of the land, neither noble nor proud
Met the Lady by field in the spring air
The talk of dreams and hopes they shared
And the snare of love captured his mind

With kiss stolen in the still of one day
The two made plans, exchanged vows
And he was forced to take a leave
To find a way to make a home

His maiden he left behind that day
As bittersweet tears stung at their eyes
They both knew he would keep his word
And wait for her in the secret wood.

G- November 2008

Siren Stream

The sweet melody of the siren stream

Melts ones mind in the glories of dream
Peace and rest for tired spirit it does bring
While the breezes through willow leaves sing
To the chorus is added the song of birds
That poets struggle to transform into mere words
Though justice he can never give that song
He will grasp to try to remember long

G- November 2008


Caterpillar, funny worm
Moves between leaf and twig
Fuzzy little crawling fellow
Moves slowly without care

Graceful as it flies by
The butterfly in flight
Lands near Caterpillar
The brief sunny hour to share

The woolly worm then feels
An emotion never known
Jealousy at the beauty
The wings without compare

Why do you come to mock
To show up my ugly garb
Not invited you were to land
And intrude my space there

The butterfly laughed at him
And said she did not mean harm
Was just trying to be friendly
If offensive would move on

But he thought the other knew
That changes were coming soon
And then he would understand
When his new garb he would don

The fussy insect snorted
As he slowly crawled away
And the butterfly did sigh
And fluttered into air

That eve the caterpillar
Deep chill upon his core
Curled up into a leaf
Formed a comfy lay up there

But in the morn he woke not
At least not all the way
He did not seem to care
It seemed right to be at rest

Finally he awoke
Slumber of a length unknown
He only knew he felt strange
In a space so compressed

Breaking the confining shell
Almost tipped when he felt air
Looking up above his back
Saw majestic yellow wings

Then he fully understood
That a butterfly was he
The other did not mock him
Soaring to the air he sings

G- November 2008