Unable to do naught but to put others first
Condemned to always be treated as second class
Only used to being treated as one that is cursed

Empathy given all if worthy or not
The only return to be even more pain
Their own dreams always to be set to the side
They are not worthy is the constant refrain
Never allowed to pursue their own treasured goals
To pursue security for those cared for most
Any progress made in this pursuit they gained
Haunted, thwarted at each step as if by ghosts
Still she persevered for the good of her loved
Believing in good she could no longer trust
Could not giving credence to what she could do
Only continuing because she knew she must
Entire world fighting her each step of the way
Beating down each hope fighting any advance
Not one would believe in her ability
Fighting each day to make sure she had no chance
Even without faith though this angle continued on
While her enemies circled like sharks for a kill
With no mercy in their fear that she might succeed
The others might be wrong, she did have the skill
Even through the loss of confidence they forced
Coming through and proving all of them wrong
While being reminded there are those who believed
Friends and loved ones only pushing along
Little one we only trusted in you to win
We know there are many hurdles still ahead
Only one step in the weary long road
Paths allowing to help as that path she treads
Always you give first, not looking out for your self
But there are some of us who you have made so proud
We marvel at all what you continue to fight through
If we could be there with you we would be loud
Angel, know that I love you so very much
I wish you could believe how much you help me
What you have endured should happen to no one
Somehow though you still fought to succeed
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