An object so dense
With a gravitational field so strong
Not even light can escape.
More, a singularity.
A single point in space
Of infinitely dense mass,
A point beyond even that.
A naked singularity,
such a point so small, so dense
It is no longer even a black hole,
Invisible to the world.
A naked singularity
Visible to all the universe
Only by its destructive force
And disruptive nature.
That is my life.
A naked singularity.
Destroying anything I touch
Anything I go near.
Anything I love,
I care for, I touch,
Is sucked in, destroyed.
No opportunity to prosper.
No time to grow.
No trace left behind,
Except the scars on my soul.
I am poison, a blight.
If it is good,
I suck the life out of it.
I allow no joy
No happiness in my presence.
Just blackness
Dark to the heart.
I suck the very light out of the world,
Never letting it spread.
I twist and distort everything.
I cannot have anything fair.
I must defile it all.
I am a black hole,
A naked singularity.
I am the nothing that destroys all.

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