Thank You, is such an easy phrase to say
But seems to be such a rare thing to hear
Friend and foe alike ignore courtesy
Not even those that we hold to be dear
Thank You, such is a simple pair of words
Yet it evidently causes such pain
Ripping at the throat with a burning flame
We just go ahead once more and abstain
Thank You, carries with it so much meaning
Yet on the rare occasion that it's heard
It carries any meaning from the heart
Just to fill an obligation incurred
Thank You, an easy gesture we teach kids
But as adult courtesy no longer lives
No mater who it is that share their best
Nor how much from the heart the person gives
Thank you, from one loved would seem straight forward
For what they share without thought to all lost
Though they might give up their everything
Cast aside all even knowing the cost
Thank You, not even given sacrifice
Gifts meant to be shared, the given away
Sacrifice for ones not even known
Then transferred to others with no delay
Thank You, shared not even with a lover
Just as well as they would have no meaning
To one easily cast aside, forgotten
Even when the other thanks to them sing
Thank You, always seem to be forgotten
Amongst friends that often exchange humor
Spending years together trying to amuse
Each becoming only a consumer
Thank You, seems such an easy phrase to say
So why is it so seldom that we hear
Is it simply we only want to take
Do we care as little as seems to appear
Thank You, a phrase now with you I utter
For the decade with many here I spent
Many good times that I've exchanged
I have no idea where all the time went
Thank You, for all we the times we shared
Thank You, for every shared song and link
Thank You, for the times you made me laugh
Thank You, for the times you made me think
3 years ago
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