Through which a spirit can but pass
A life denied of any meaning
Simply a trudge to carry a mass
A burden of cumbersome weight
Unworthy complete without warrant
Just the assigned load to bear
As one wades against the current

The fog of belief that someday
Thing will turn fair, be just
Blinding the truth of being
That some things only become dust
Fleeting moments of happiness
Are but a façade in the wall
A glimpse of the reality
That for others is their all
A veil of rain pours down on the soul
A wall that keeps the goal shaded
But shadowy images of life out of reach
There to torment to the point they are hated
The mind knows these things exist
But only for others, not for them
That reality is not theirs to taste
Only to covertly wish what might have been
A guardian river of torrent and rock
Impassible, defying, but allowing sight
Laughing and vile in its pervert delight
As it isolates and taunts with full might
No traversal will be ever permitted
By vastness with the greatness of a sea
With violence of the raging storms
Thwarting efforts at reaching what could be
A blindness in the eternal night
Blackness that smothers all hope
Endless stifling of all thoughts
Keeping desires away from furthest grope
Bleakness that reaches the inner soul
Robbing of all dreams and thought
A longing for what others have
A happiness not to be found or bought
When will this haze allow substance
Why can’t the fog burn away to a new day
Rain should cleanse, not drowned all hope
River and sea should provide passage away
Why do they a prison only tighten their hold
Night should be calming renewal of mind
A time of rest and peace, a place of dreams
Only a portal for demons to haunt I find.
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