Many more than I will count
I don’t know the place
But I will without a doubt.
It is a scene serene
One without a care
It does not produce fear
Even the slightest scare.
I do not know the river
Though I’ve seen close to that place
But it has never been quite right
Either in time or space.
It is a Western trout river
Probably Montana or Wyoming
A big old waterway
With a voice of water calling.

A brisk day, late in the fall
Nice day, all in all
Distinct cliff face to the left
With a pool of trout slurping a spinner fall.
It has been a good day
Full of fish and sun and fresh air
One of the few ever
So free of thoughts and care.
It is getting late
And I have a long hike out
But at the head of the pool
I see my target, one last trout.
The cast is perfect
As is the rise
The gentlest twitch
And I’ve hooked my prize.
A hookup fair
Set to the jaw solid and true
This fight will be mine
There is little he can do.
The only error of the whole day
Was that one slick rock in the way
I knew what was coming, true
And still there was nothing to say.
The break was clean
Not even much pain
And still I held the line tight
I would not lose even to my bane.
I landed him clean
Even on one limb broken
My last trout to catch
To my hand that closes on it like a token.
I took him to the cliff
I knew it was now too late
The only thing left was
My hunger to abate.
I thank the river for the day
And the fish for the play
Roasted him with care
While by the face of the cliff I lay.
A meal fit for a king he did make
The worthy opponent and friend
Though I hated killing him
This time though it was the end.
Crystal clear night
It will get cold
Once the fire dies
True chill will catch hold.
Only so much wood was close
And once cold kicked in
I could not move much to get more
And I knew that this was when.
I watch the stars deep into night
To the soul a beautiful sight
Somewhere near dawn
I close my eyes without a fight.
A gentle sleep takes me away
Someone will find me another day
Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next
More likely not until May.
Long have I know how it would end
Provided I don’t do anything foolish
Seen many times and it is no false view
A real image, not nightmares or ghoulish.
I’ve seen it often through the years
It have never been an image of tears
It is a fulfilling, a completeness
The finish of all my cares.
Long did I think it would be
In my failing years
But lately I’ve seen the lines
Are from pain and fears.
I even now know the likely date
But I still need to seek the place
One more destiny to fulfill
One left for me to face.
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