Lips touch gently the sleeping child
Even through slumber carry the love
Calm the forming mind from all things wild
Gentle kiss to young ones scrape
Make all trace of pain dissolve away
The same in the dark of night
Keeps the phantom spawn away
Slobber sharing, grime and dirt
And whatever else is whipped on shirt
Naught else can make the golden years of more worth
Than the attention of a child’s kiss and mirth
Kisses of joy and kisses of love
These are gifts without compare
A brush of lips warmth of breath
An instant of time that life we share
This is a truth of life that is good
A joy that no can ever erode
Through the instant may pass, the truth lives on
Of a time when life seems as it should
Lips touch gently to the back of the hand
That subtle brush of lips to skin
Warm radiates as rings on water expand
Invokes a movement of spirit deep within
A touch f moist air to the nape of the neck
Delivers spikes of pleasure down the spine
While a light whisper and lips to lobes of the ear
Set beads of sweat as dew on the morning vine
Moist and silky soft lips join together then part
Then fluidly slip over cheek and brow
A smooth caress over supple skin
Will melts as it flowers to bliss of love to endow
Again lips meet, with feathery touch
Tender taste of being as tongue caresses mouth’s crease
Margin and fold, easily to the corners
Until they part with a light sigh of release
One more time lips meet and hold
Exchanging between every breath
As if the catch the others soul
A caring of love that could ward off death
Deep union of heart and mind
Heedless joining of complete concentration
The outside world pauses for a time
The being is shaken to its foundation

This is a truth of life that is good
Love without measure between two true
Exchange of life, of essence, of soul
This is a moment that life seems as it should
A kiss is a moment of care divine
A moment of passions exchange with no compare
This is a time of life that is as it should be
This is a truth of life that is good.
G- December 2008
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