And can only ask why?
Troubles seem just to pour,
Like rain from the sky
I look at those who are,
Friends good and true
Only to see pains flood,
In spite of all they try
Just out of arms reach,
I can only ask why?

I spent years,
Stumbling in the cold
Learning little,
But how to be old
Carrying burdens,
Enough a back to break
The only smiles,
Ones I was able to fake.
All these things,
I took the blame
For no pleasure,
Could I ever claim
Lost in a world,
Only trying to be by
And in my own self pity,
To ask myself why?
I look out the window,
And can only ask why?
Troubles seem just to pour,
Like rain from the sky
I look at those who are,
Friends good and true
Only to see pains flood,
In spite of all they try
Just out of arms reach,
I can only ask why?
Tried to serve others,
Put all before my own will
But they always wanted more,
Wanted enough to kill.
Fooled myself to believe,
I found one who would care
Only to have my heart ripped out,
My mind laid bare
Left to be consumed,
By carrion eaters void of heart
Tattered shreds to small to bother,
The rest torn apart
The world showing no care,
For my pitiful plight
Out of their thoughts,
Out of their sight.
I look out the window,
And can only ask why?
Troubles seem just to pour,
Like rain from the sky
I look at those who are,
Friends good and true
Only to see pains flood,
In spite of all they try
Just out of arms reach,
I can only ask why?
Found by others,
Souls who could feel my pain
Brothers and Sisters of heart,
Sharing feelings for all to gain.
Spirits understanding,
United in will to survive
With strengths shared together,
Hopes within to revive.
My Brothers, My Sisters,
Kindred spirits each
Always in each others thoughts,
Hearts always within reach,
But these friends sent on angel wings
Still they are assailed
With fates that are an affront,
But dreams that all seem failed.
I look out the window,
And can only ask why?
Troubles seem just to pour,
Like rain from the sky
I look at those who are,
Friends good and true
Only to see pains flood,
In spite of all they try
Just out of arms reach,
I can only ask why?
While others without merit,
Seem to have the world for free
Expect us to serve them,
Our souls presented on bended knee.
So often there seems no justice,
Trials handed only to the True
Those that continue to try,
While those unworthy slide through
For the tired there always is more,
Demons in the way at every stride
Monsters of day and night,
Leaving no place even to hide.
But together we can fight,
Find a shoulder on which to lean
Find another to lend a shoulder to,
As a family sweep a path clean.
I look out the window,
And can only ask why?
Troubles seem just to pour,
Like rain from the sky
I look at those who are,
Friends good and true
Only to see pains flood,
In spite of all they try
Just out of arms reach,
I can only ask why?
It hurts to feel such pain,
Hurts more to see it in others
To see how dreams if kills,
To see how hope it smothers.
For the first time though I find,
The more I give, the more I mind
Because I finally know,
Those who care and think in kind.
So to you my friends I freely give,
All of me there is to share
Because I am only even here,
Through the strength of your care.
I thank you each day for what you are,
What you’ve given to me
But sometimes still as I look out,
Pain and care is all I see.
I look out the window,
And can only ask why?
Troubles seem just to pour,
Like rain from the sky
I look at those who are,
Friends good and true
Only to see pains flood,
In spite of all they try
Just out of arms reach,
I can only ask why?
I look out the window,
And can only ask why?
But I will fight,
These plagues and tests from the sky.
I will stand by,
To provide what help I can
Some battles we may lose,
But not without a try
Until I hope we can finally
No longer need to ask why.
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