That is no problem at all
My back is strong, will is good
I’m ready to answer the call.

I can support my love on the climb
She is no burden for me
My legs can take the load
Her love sustains through any trial I foresee.
I can help out my Ex
I still care and have memories
Though we grew apart, there is still love
And the strength to help through difficulties.
I can aid my family
Even when they are overly, family
They are still in my heart
And it is not hard to keep them singing.
I will be there for her family
They hate me but that someday might be changed
I can live with their thoughts towards me
And a way to work it can be arranged.
I still am able to tolerate my boss
I do wish she had learned more I tried to teach her
She usually means well enough, when she stops to think
And when she stops to listen, sometimes she can even hear.
My pride will still abide the director
He thinks he can get my goat, it's almost funny
I'll carry on, for now anyway, I need the job
Just keep smiling and pretend it's sunny.
My esteem still can handle the owner
After twelve years of that ego I can still go on
He has tried to break me for so long
It wounds his pride that I'm still not gone.
I am still plenty strong,
Will still go on
The road is long
But I have the will to carry on.
Though it is a burden, I will still feed the state
They take their cut first of what I make
And seeing my sweat go to waste drains
But I can handle the added ache.
I still will wade through the doctors
They care and try though they don't always understand
I can ignore when I think they are wrong
Not their fault, I know when to not show my hand.
The bills are not too bad
I will get paid back for the extra in the end
It will be evened out, I'll be OK
Even if she think not, on this the law does not bend.
My kidneys too will not kill me
I'm used to it, just one more pain
Happened before and will again
So I bleed, and hurt, but I'll survive the drain.
My health will not beat me
It slows me and wears me down
But I can still carry on
I'm not beaten yet, I'm still around.
What is too hard it to be alone
Without expected support, it saps ones strength
The strength I need for other ends
Still, I follow the path in spite of the length.
To be alone siphons off my will
But I continue on still
To the course I stay true
My will is less, but I brave on still.
The burdens are heavy and I have many
I near my limit but on I go
It is too important and the obstacles many
I carry on, even as the weight grows.
The help of the love true
Will always help me get through
I find a way to carry on
And wait for things to turn anew
My heart is still strong to carry on
I will not give up, admit loss
I know my will and the cost if I quit
I will not let the burden be my boss.
The hills are steep
But I can climb
The weather bad
But once more the sun may shine.
But what when those for whom I sacrificed
Seem to lose all sign that they care
After I've put all on my back
Every burden I can bare.
When love, the very reason I pay the price
Continues to be withheld and seems to fade
And I seem to be betrayed, more than twice
But still on I try and wade.
But with the rejection the burden grows
Refusal to allow me to help weighs more
Then the burden I agreed to tackle shows
And is started to break me to the core.
I thought I knew what price
But I've been given a heavier bill
When my heart was put in a vice
And my soul was left bare for the kill.
I am no longer sure
That even with my pride
All the pain I can endure
Without my love at my side.
I still try
But I can feel it break
I feel my soul die
Even as steeper hill, I make.
I will go until I can no more
But it is quite the chore
I love her to my core
But I may soon lose the war.
It will never be because I quit
But sometimes one needs to just sit
Sometimes one is just lost
Every effort, just too high the cost.
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