Tail up and back arched turn
Demanding nothing more than attention
Giving peace of mind in return
Sad eye to those that do not know
Actually wells of love to the soul
Content to lay with head upon lap
Your shared solace her only goal

Companion and friend of fur and paw
There unconditional without question
Comfort us when we are down
Even do as they can to give us protection
Warmer of feet and guardian of blanket
Never will he let you be bothered by a bird
But also there to fight an intruder
And warn of danger to others unheard

Feather and fill and voice so clear
To others only a nuisance of a pet
They don’t know to look and listen
Of any being, she read my mind best
Some call them pets, those of shallow hearts
These are living beings that know our core
Closer than many who claim kinship
These are ones who without judgment adore

These are companions that are good
Loving without question or condition
Guided by the misconception we deserve
Sharing joy of life that seems as it should
G- December 2008
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