With naught that they do admirable
Or earning the return of anything fair
No reward in the end, never life’s prize

Long having given without asking any return
Only to learn that would be what would occur
Always assuming that others would return in kind
And then receive back kindness in turn as given
The truth was other; that they would indeed take
With no thoughts appreciation should ever be paid
Maybe some kindness at least in truthful words
But returning fair measure was never gifted
These things were truths of the servant’s world
Daily occurrences from all who were near
Facts that slowly beat down the strongest will
Stole every strength to continue the fight
It was learned as duty from the time of birth
To serve others was the measure of ones place
Always told that eventually his time would come
His role model a forefather whom he so loved
An idolize one who lived every breath for others
Family and friends all aided without hesitation
But part of that message of this duty was missed
The fact that it killed him without mercy in the end
Still that was the model for his goals and actions
After the one looked up to so dearly as a guide
Learning the art of giving without taking
Only to find how many there were who oblige
This process will a mind slowly lay bare to blight
Spirit crushed with efforts that were never enough
Finally just giving up on hope of any real life
Resigned to work in servitude until returning to dust
Then something happened, another was found
A person demanding true, but different than others
A princess, but one who could understand the plight
Who lived what appeared to be much the same life
She was in need, but also wanted willing to share
Taking her hand provided the needed comfort and care
This that she required, but was denied by others
Now was given willingly, this time with justification
This time was different, not giving without asking
Pledges were exchanged of undying love and devotion
Also was asked for promises of the same in return
A partnership in life was what was sought and promised
But after a time of healing for the lady fair
Came the time that he was also needed repair
And though still was sworn that love true, pure
The damsel fled back to her life of before
The union was broken asunder most cruelly
For that which was formerly separate lives
Leaving the servant alone with no one to share
Not even anyone willing to let him attend
Going from the promise of a life finally complete
To the brutal isolation of living without any need
No purpose to be, just the life of the court jester
But without and audience to even laugh at the fool
The clown of the kingdom with painted face
Taught once again not to step out of line
The smiles all fake, the jokes but a front
He, what was laughed at, butt of each joke
Jester, servant, tender of wants
Looking at the world but kept apart
Always rejected, kept in his place
Will not be missed when he exits the race.
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