Quote of the moment

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

-Wendell Berry: The Peace or the Wild Things

Dec 21, 2009

Wishes for Christman

My first wish for Christmas is a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My second wish for Christmas is two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My third wish for Christmas is a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My fourth wish for Christmas is four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My fifth wish for Christmas is five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My sixth wish for Christmas is six melons to feed my lost geese, five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My seventh wish for Christmas is seven songs for sharing, six melons to feed my lost geese, is five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My eighth wish for Christmas is eight magic manic cures, seven songs for sharing, six melons to feed my lost geese, five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My ninth wish for Christmas is nine nights of sleep, eight magic manic cures, six melons to feed my lost geese, seven songs for sharing, a three-hour nap, is five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My tenth wish for Christmas is a ten-course meal, nine nights of sleep, eight magic manic cures, seven songs for sharing, six melons to feed my lost geese, five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My eleventh wish for Christmas is eleven transports to get the to those which need it, a ten-course meal, nine nights of sleep, eight magic manic cures, seven songs for sharing, six melons to feed my lost geese, five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider, a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

My twelfth wish for Christmas is twelve score or more of those I love to share, is eleven transports to get the to those which need it, a ten-course meal, nine nights of sleep, eight magic manic cures, seven songs for sharing, six melons to feed my lost geese, five golden dreams, four cups of mulled cider a three-hour nap, two playing ducks, and a seat in meadow’ed bend on a quiet stream.

G - Dec 2009

1 comment:

Mogen David said...

Happy Holidays Goose.