Two years ago today
A world was thrown away
By one who chose to hear
All that dreams could say
Two years ago so far away
Day broke through the night
World tilted axis askew
Creation finally made right
When years of fighting
Against a mind ill
With a world of pain
Through a broken will
Many years of struggle
Finally met with the reward
Of faithful search for truth
Struggles had pushed toward
Two years ago today
The clouds seemed to part
As souls took a path
Written on the heart
After months to share thoughts
Times crying and joining hands
Helping through crisis time
Minds join like melting bands
Finally fears were cast aside
Attempted escape their private hell
From imprisoned minds
Enslaving walls finally fell
Two years ago today
The entire world changed
All the past cast aside
The universe rearranged
Those that held as possession
Offering no help, only command
Forever forced to release control
Replaced by loving, caring hand
Together to approach the fight
Joined to tack on repair
With someone who understood
Someone who could care
Two years ago today
For the first time in life
Night spent arm in arm
As a man and wife
A union written in the stars
It seemed what was sought
The result of long searching
And all the battles fought
When tangled minds only see
Fantasies they themselves make
Only to be turned aside again
Till it is more than they can take
Two years ago today
Seemed the fulfillment
But delusional minds
Can see reality bent
Two years ago today
Bills were written that day
Charges against man and soul
Now the usual must pay
Two years ago tomorrow
The die was cast that set fate
When I allowed hope to win
And stepped through that gate
The steps of the solitary who believed
After years of dream failing by far
Believed that another also trusted
They could together reach that star
With truth he stated
That he meant never
Would not break that faith
Promised forever
Two years later life is sane
For every one, except one
One who chose to remain true
Follow promises to the end
Not even worthy of a goodbye
Showing again they are nothing
Their best efforts and truths
Silently on the world ring
So while others are able
To forget what was said
Pretend feelings were not real
Leave another for dead
One still cries themselves to sleep
On the rare occasion sleep is found
While images feed their sickness
And silence is their only sound
Two years later to the day
He wonders why he even rose
In a world that does not care
The little it even knows
Stripping off the last of the control
Events that set the final demons loose
Breaking what little was left his soul
Leaving not even the will to choose
Two years ago today
The outcome was known
The paths were discussed
But a tiny light shown
A trusting mind believed
That truth could one time win
Not recognizing he was already
Excluded from the decision
Unable to break his word
Unwilling to break his vow
He can only wait for time to end
And wish it were now
Two years later, to the day
For others it is just another day
While marking when he ended
To the real world, just another day
There are only a few
Two years later today
Who would be less happy
If he finally just went away
Two years ago to the day
It seems so very far away
G - Sept 2009
3 years ago
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