Quote of the moment

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

-Wendell Berry: The Peace or the Wild Things

Oct 29, 2009


Dark is the world of the blind
Those who will not
Those that cannot
Open their eyes and see
Deep is the night

Bright are the stars in the void
Eyes watching hurt
Beacons calling calm
Draw from the abyss of despair
From the deep night

But what when those gems fade
When their light falters
No longer lead the way
Even memories of dreams die
Leaving only the night?

G - Oct 2009

Oct 27, 2009

White Knight

Ride in from the west
On the wings of the wind
White knight so is told

I can’t remember now
What the path was before
I don’t see at all
Where next to go

Always available
To lend a hand
Lay the cape down
Shield from harm

Assure others go first
Defer his turn again
For the time he know
Will never come

I can’t remember now
What the path was before
I don’t see at all
Where next to go

The damsel in need
For a hand to be help
A shoulder to lean
A bed to share

Maiden in distress
To help escape evil
Renew a life reborn
Share dreams and fate

Till the live path ends
The damsel turns about
Shine dulls on the knight
Dismissed, his work done

I can’t remember now
What the path was before
I don’t see at all
Where next to go

Lady in pain
Soul in fear
Joined in mind
Though seated afar

Knight polishes armor
As best he can
Again braves for friend
Willing to give all

Till help again dulls
The need is gone
Or help used up
The knight is sent away

I can’t remember now
What the path was before
I don’t see at all
Where next to go

Knight from the west
Simply flays on the walls
In another kingdom
That welcomes no more

Wonders through wilds
Wishing but that time
Finally too would end
No place left calls his name

I can’t remember now
What the path was before
I don’t see at all
Where next to go

The knight
Sword lost long ago
Shield rusted in age
Seeking west the sea
To escape fate’s cold
He can’t remember
Where he has been
No longer cares
Where next to go

G - Oct 2009

Oct 22, 2009


Fingers of chill creep
Over the rise green
Advancing the unseen
Omen of fear deep

The call for the sea
Grips at the heart
Claiming soul depart
Never spirit to set free

Within that fog cover
Using its veiled shield
Fate choosing no yield
To harvest from its hover

As the sea come to claim
Souls without remorse
None safe in its course
Cares not of truth or blame

Fingers of mist advance
Souls taking as its own
Where one life hope shown
Driving home the lance

G- Sept 2009

Oct 21, 2009


Tree grew in the land
Place in far distant time
Rooted deep holding strong
Ignoring the clock chime

Defying storm and age
Chose not to leave at doom call
Tree cared not rules of span
Declined even the leaf fall

Imposed will against the force
While nature declared the crime
Continued in field of life to stand
Ignoring as the clocks chime

World changes with upheaval
Tempest came and turmoil
Ages slipped into the past,
Life returned to dust, to soil

Still that tree remained
While all that had been faded
Life long since was gone
To departure not persuaded

No longer standing upright
Still claiming the space
A throne to call its own
Forever to claim that place

A love of deep in the heart
A vow of how long to last
To show what would be
He called upon the past

Selecting for than ancient
A rock from wood long ago
Shared it with one adored
To profess that all would know

That fragment of a tree
Seeming to have been forever
To be matched by the time
Ere his love would sever

And it still endures true
To words without repent
Though ‘twas but a stone
Trivial to whom it was sent

So cast aside again
To now endure alone
Promise being a trifle
Without worth, mere stone.

G - Oct 2009

Oct 19, 2009

Where Are They Now

Where are they now
The friends of the young
Have things turned out well
Now that our parts are sung

We were joined in life
Friends for all time
Until the clock struck
That life faded into rhyme

Where are they now
Has life brought good
Would you return there
To that time if you could

Where are they now
Held your hand through fears
Gave a shoulder to lean
Stood beside you for years

Some were by chances
Fate brought on by birth
Those by choice their own
Found in you some worth

Where are they now
After than time has gone
Is they anyway to return
Or do only memories live on

Where are they now
For whom you gave all
Standing by you in your need
Or did they leave at your fall

Is forever of vow of faith
Or just and idle plea
Give strength to overcome
Not even slow the flee

Where are they now
Do they your life share
Do they even look back
Or leave without a care.

G - Oct 2009